List sorted per year (with links towards pdf)
International Journals (14)
- Enabling Privacy by Anonymization in the Collection of Similar Data in Multi-Domain IoT
R. Neto, P. Mérindol and F. Theoleyre.
In Elsevier Computer Communications, 2023 (ComCom23).(details )
- IF: 5
- 17 pages IEEE
- Deploying Near-Optimal Delay-Constrained Paths with Segment Routing in Massive-Scale Networks.
J-R. Luttringer, T. Alfroy, P. Mérindol, Q. Bramas and C. Pelsser.
In Elsevier Computer Networks, 2022. (details )
- Journal details
- Impact factor: 3
- Securing workflows using microservices and metagraphs..
L. Miller, P. Mérindol, A. Gallais, and C. Pelsser.
In Electronics MDPI, 2021.(details )
- Journal details
- The Art of Detecting Forwarding Detours.
J.M Del Fiore, V. Persico, P. Mérindol, C. Pelsser and A. Pescapè.
In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2021.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 15%
- 14 pages IEEE
- Let There Be Light: Revealing Hidden MPLS Tunnels with TNT.
J-R. Luttringer, Y. Vanaubel, P. Mérindol, J-J. Pansiot and B. Donnet.
In IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2019.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 15%
- 14 pages IEEE
- Localization of Network Service Performance Degradation in Multi-tenant Networks.
V. Pavle , B. Bartosz , D. Marinos , P. Mérindol, D. Schmitz and H. Wessing.
In Elsevier Computer Networks, 2019. (details )
- Journal details
- Impact factor: 3
- A Fine-Grained Multi-Source Measurement Platform Correlating Routing Transitions with Packet Losses.
P. Mérindol, P. David, J-J. Pansiot, F. Clad and S. Vissicchio.
In Elsevier Computer Communications, July 2018. (details )
- Journal details
- Impact factor: 2.6
- Computing Minimal Update Sequences for Graceful Router-wide Reconfigurations.
F. Clad, S. Vissicchio, P. Mérindol, P. Francois and J.-J. Pansiot.
In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2015. (details )
- Journal details
- Impact factor: 2.2
- Graceful Convergence in Link-State IP Networks.
F. Clad, P. Mérindol, J-J. Pansiot, P. Francois and O. Bonaventure.
In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2014. (details )
- Journal details
- Impact factor: 2.2
- Towards a Bipartite Graph Modeling of the Internet Topology.
F. Tarissan, B. Quoitin, P. Mérindol, B. Donnet, M. Latapy and J-J. Pansiot.
In Elsevier Computer Networks, 2013. (details )
- Journal details
- Impact factor: 1.2
- Revisiting Flow-Based Load Balancing: Stateless Path Selection in Data Center Networks.
G. Detal, C. Paasch, S. van der Linden, P. Mérindol, G. Avoine and O. Bonaventure.
In Elsevier Computer Networks, 2013. (details )
- Journal details
- Impact factor: 1.2
- Revealing MPLS Tunnels Obscured from Traceroute.
B. Donnet, M. Luckie, P. Mérindol and J-J. Pansiot.
In ACM Computer Communication Review, 2012.(details )
- Journal details
- Impact factor: 1.5
- 6 pages ACM
- Topology Discovery at the Router Level: A New Hybrid Tool Targeting ISP Networks.
P. Marchetta, P. Mérindol, B. Donnet, A. Pescapé and J-J. Pansiot.
In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, Special Issue on Measurement of Internet Topologies, 2011.(details )
- Journal details
- Impact factor: 3.7
- 11 pages IEEE
- An Efficient Algorithm to Enable Path Diversity in Link State Routing Networks.
P. Mérindol, S. Cateloin, J-J. Pansiot, P. Francois and O. Bonaventure.
In Elsevier Computer Networks, 2010. (details )
International Conferences (28)
- ISP Probing Reduction with Anaximander.
E. Marechal, P. Mérindol and B. Donnet.
To appear in PAM 2022. (details )
- Acceptance rate: 45%
- 24 pages LNCS
- A Fast-Convergence Routing of the Hot-Potato.
J-R. Luttringer, Q. Bramas, C. Pelsser, P. Merindol
In INFOCOM 2021.(details )
- Rank: A*
- Acceptance rate: 20%
- 8 pages IEEE
- Data Aggregation for Privacy Protection of Data Streams Between Autonomous IoT Networks
R. Neto, P. Mérindol and F. Theoleyre.
In Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Athens,, 2021.(details )
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 6 pages IEEE
- Towards Secure and Leak-Free Workflows Using Microservice Isolation.
L. Miller, P. Mérindol, A. Gallais and C. Pelsser
In IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing Conference (HPSR), 2021.(details )
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 4 pages IEEE
- Verification of Cloud Security Policies
L. Miller, P. Mérindol, A. Gallais and C. Pelsser.
In IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing Conference (HPSR), 2021.(details )
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 4 pages IEEE
- Scalability of LPWAN for Smart City Applications
R. Neto, P. Mérindol and F. Theoleyre.
In IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2021.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 38%
- 6 pages IEEE
- Computing Delay-Constrained Least-Cost Paths for Segment Routing is Easier Than You Think.
J-R. Luttringer, T. Alfroy , P. Merindol, Q. Bramas, F. Clad, C. Pelsser
In NCA 2020.(details )
- Rank: A
- 8 pages IEEE
- Transformation Based Routing Overlay for Privacy and Reusability in Multi-Domain IoT.
R. Juaçaba Neto, P. Merindol, F. Theoleyre
In NCA 2020.(details )
- Rank: A
- 8 pages IEEE
- Enabling Privacy by Aggregation with Mulltidomain IoT streams.
R. Juaçaba Neto, P. Merindol, F. Theoleyre
In LCN 2020.(details )
- Rank: A
- 4 pages IEEE
- Filtering the Noise to Reveal Inter-Domain Lies.
J.M Del Fiore, P. Mérindol, V. Persico, C. Pelsser and A. Pescapè.
In TMA 2019.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 35%
- 8 pages IEEE
- Chocolatine: Outage Detection for Internet Background Radiation.
A. Guillot, R. Fontugne, P. Winter, P. Mérindol, A. King, A. Dainotti and C. Pelsser.
In TMA 2019.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 35%
- 8 pages IEEE
- TNT, Watch me Explode: A Light in the Dark for Revealing MPLS Tunnels.
Y. Vanaubel, J-R. Luttringer, P. Mérindol, J-J. Pansiot and B. Donnet.
In TMA 2019.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 35%
- Best Paper Award
- Best Paper Award ICT of the year
- Best DataSet Award Runner
- 8 pages IEEE
- Through the Wormhole: Tracking Invisible MPLS Tunnels.
Y. Vanaubel, P. Mérindol, B. Donnet and J-J Pansiot.
In ACM IMC 2017.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 26%
- 14 pages ACM
- A Brief History of MPLS Usage in IPv6.
Y. Vanaubel, P. Mérindol, B. Donnet and J-J Pansiot.
In PAM 2016. (details )
- Acceptance rate: 30%
- 12 pages LNCS
- MPLS under the Microscope: Revealing the Actual Usage of Transit Path Diversity.
Y. Vanaubel, P. Mérindol, B. Donnet and J-J Pansiot.
In ACM IMC 2015.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 26%
- 14 pages ACM
- Graceful Router Updates for Link-State Protocols.
F. Clad, P. Mérindol, S. Vissicchio, J-J. Pansiot and P. Francois
In IEEE ICNP 2013.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 20%
- 10 pages IEEE
- Network Fingerprinting: TTL-Based Router Signatures.
Y. Vanaubel, J-J Pansiot, P. Mérindol and B. Donnet.
In ACM IMC 2013.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 25%
- 7 pages ACM
- Quantifying and Mitigating IGMP Filtering in Topology Discovery.
P. Marchetta, P. Mérindol, B. Donnet, A. Pescapè and J-J Pansiot.
In IEEE GLOBECOMM 2012, Anaheim, California, USA, December 2012.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 35%
- 6 pages IEEE
- Energy-Efficient Data Collection in WSN: A Sink-Oriented Dynamic Backbone.
F. Clad, A. Gallais, P. Mérindol.
In IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC'12, Ottawa, Canada, June 2012.(details )
- Conference details
- Acceptance rate: 35%
- 6 pages IEEE
- MERLIN: MEasure the Router Level of the INternet.
P. Mérindol, B. Donnet, J-J. Pansiot, M. Luckie and Y. Huyn.
In Proc. of the 7th Euro-nf Conference on Next Generation Internet NGI 2011, Kaiserslautern, Germany, June 2011.(details )
- On the Impact of Layer-2 on Node Degree Distribution.
P. Mérindol, B. Donnet, J-J. Pansiot and O. Bonaventure.
In Proc. of ACM USENIX Internet Measurement Conference 2010 IMC 2010, Melbourne, Australia, November 2010.(details )
- Conference details
- Acceptance rate: 20%
- 14 pages ACM
- Extracting Intra-Domain Topology from mrinfo Probing.
J-J. Pansiot, P. Mérindol, B. Donnet and O. Bonaventure.
In Proc. of Passive and Active Measurement Conference PAM 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, April 2010.(details )
- Quantifying ASes Multiconnectivity using Multicast Information.
P. Mérindol, V. Van den Schrieck, B. Donnet, O. Bonaventure and J-J. Pansiot.
In Proc. of ACM USENIX Internet Measurement Conference 2009 IMC 09 - Chicago, U.S, November 2009.(details )
- Conference details
- Acceptance rate: 20%
- 7 pages ACM
- Path Diversity in Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks.
P. Mérindol and A. Gallais.
In IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 2009 PIMRC 09 - Tokyo, Japan, September 2009.(details )
- Conference details
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 5 pages IEEE
- Low Complexity Link State Multipath Routing.
P. Mérindol, J-J. Pansiot and S. Cateloin.
In Global Internet Symposium 2009 GIS'09 (INFOCOM workshop) - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009.(details )
- Improving Load Balancing with Multipath Routing.
P. Mérindol, J-J. Pansiot and S. Cateloin.
In Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks ICCCN'08 - St Thomas, Virgin Islands, US, August 2008.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 25%
- 8 pages IEEE
- Providing Protection and Restoration with Distributed Multipath Routing.
P. Mérindol, J-J. Pansiot and S. Cateloin.
In Proc. of the 2008 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems SPECTS'08 - Edinburgh, UK, June 2008.(details)
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 8 pages IEEE
- Path Computation for Incoming Interface Multipath Routing.
P. Mérindol, J-J. Pansiot and S. Cateloin.
In Proc. of the 4th European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks
ECUMN'07 - Toulouse, France, February 2007(details )
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 11 pages IEEE
National Conferences, Posters and Demos (13)
WURST: routage pour réseaux IoT multi-technologies purement asynchrones
L. Niess, J. Montavont, P. Mérindol
Rencontres francophones sur la conception de protocoles, l'évaluation de performance et l'expérimentation des réseaux de communication, 2023 (Cores23).(details )
- 4 pages simple colonne
Le Problème à trois Contraintes : Calcul et Déploiement de Segments de Routage
J-R. Luttringer, T. Alfroy , P. Mérindol, Q. Bramas and C. Pelsser
Rencontres Francophones les aspects algorithmiques des télécommunications AlgoTel’, France, 2021.(details )
- Best Paper Award
- 4 pages simple colonne
- De l’Utilisation des Métagraphes pour la Vérification de Politiques de Sécurité
L. Miller, P. Mérindol, A. Gallais and C. Pelsser
Rencontres Francophones les aspects algorithmiques des télécommunications AlgoTel’, France, 2021.(details )
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 4 pages simple colonne
L’Art d’Anticiper les Changements IGP pour Acheminer Optimalement la Patate en Transit
J-R. Luttringer, Q. Bramas, C. Pelsser et P. Mérindol
Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Evaluation de Performance et l’EXpérimentation des Réseaux de Communication CoRes’, France, 2021.(details )
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 4 pages simple colonne
- Où un opérateur IP cache-t-il ses détours?
J.M Del Fiore, V. Persico, P. Mérindol, C. Pelsser and A. Pescapè
Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Evaluation de Performance et l’EXpérimentation des Réseaux de Communication, CoRes’, France, 2021.(details )
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 4 pages simple colonne
- Protection contre les fuites de données : un environnement micro-services sécurisé
L. Miller, P. Mérindol, A. Gallais and C. Pelsser
Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Evaluation de Performance et l’EXpérimentation des Réseaux de Communication, CoRes’, France, 2021.(details )
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 4 pages simple colonne
- TNT, Watch Me Explode: A Light in the Dark for Revealing All MPLS Tunnels.
P. Mérindol, Talk in RIPE RACI program, October, 2018. - Multi-user network service monitoring and fault localization.
P. Vuletic (University of Belgrade), P. Merindol, H. Wessing (DTU), M. Dimolianis (NTUA), D. Schmitz (LRZ), T. Appel (LRZ) and B. Bosak (PSNC).
Demo in TNC (TERENA Networking Conference), Trondheim, Norway, June 2018. -
L'art de reconfigurer un noeud de routage.
F. Clad, P. Mérindol and J-J. Pansiot
In AlgoTel'14, Le-Bois-Plage-en-Ré, France, Juin 2014.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 50%
- 4 pages
- A Hybrid Tool for Discovering Router Level Core of Multicast ASes.
P. Marchetta, P. Mérindol, B. Donnet, A. Pescapè and J-J Pansiot.
In Informatica Quantitativa (InfQ), Lucca, Italy, June 2012.(details )
- Acceptance rate: ??%
- 12 pages
Puits Nomade dans un Réseau de Capteurs : Vers une Collecte Efficace de Données.
F. Clad, A. Gallais and P. Mérindol
In Proc. of the 14èmes Rencontres Francophones les aspects algorithmiques des télécommunications AlgoTel'12, La Grande Motte, France, May 2012.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 50%
- 8 pages IEEE
Réseaux de Capteurs Economes en Energie : Diversité des Chemins de Collecte.
P. Mérindol and A. Gallais
Poster in Proc. of the 14ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles
CFIP'09 -Strasbourg, France, October 2009.
Multiroutage par Interface d'Entrée.
P. Mérindol, J-J. Pansiot and S. Cateloin.
In Proc. of the 8èmes Rencontres Francophones les aspects algorithmiques des télécommunications AlgoTel'06 - Trégastel, France, May 2006.(details )
- Acceptance rate: 50%
- 4 pages